Columbia Maternity Session - Lauren Henson

I’ve never met a person who doesn’t love Lauren Henson. She’s magnetic, genuine, and has one of the best laughs. I met Lauren through a mutual friend while I was in undergrad and she was in grad school at Carolina. I’ve known her for years, and even though I don’t get to see her often due to us living hours apart, when I got to see her for this session, it felt like no time had passed…except for that she has 3 kids now and is pregnant with another.

She’s got that pregnant mama glow.

After 3 boys, Lauren and Mitch are excited to be having a little girl.

Her boys are sweet yet spunky. I loved getting to spend some time playing around with them while running through the overgrown grass. Whenever I photograph young kids, I try to avoid lots of poses and instead follow them around and let them create the moments to be photographed.

Little Miss will be here in a little over a month! Hopefully the next time Lauren and the kids adventure to South Carolina, Mitch can come along so that we can do an entire family session.